Kurt Christenson ** Timothy Mucci ** Johnny Gatts ** Brian Bannen ** Rick Lacy ** YOU!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival

On Saturday December 5th the first Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival was held at Our Lady of Consolation Church (184 Metropolitan Ave. Brooklyn). It was a terrible day--windy and cold and rainy and gross, but as soon as I reached the fest, it was clear that the weather didn't stop anyone from coming out. I got there early because I had to be somewhere else that afternoon, and by 11:15, it was already busy and bustling.

Of course, the sponsors of the event (Desert Island and Picturebox) had great spreads of artwork, books, etc. I did a few laps to check everything out and dropped off a few of my own books at the Secret Project Robot table (because they are awesome and took some because I wasn't able to get table space). I was drawn to Leslie Stein's table because of her cute felt owl pins, (and perhaps because I subconsciously recognized her from Mother's?) but came away with issue 1 of "Eye of the Majestic Creature," which is pretty awesome and definitely worth checking out.

L. Nichols of Jumbly Junkery also had a great spread of screen prints and books. Jungyeon Roh was another highlight in my opinion, I had never seen her stuff before and it is really beautiful. Her work is colorful and poignant and whimsical and serious all at the same time. Really, everything there seemed to be worth a pause if not a full out stop and chat. For a first time fest, this one was pretty great and it reminded me of all the things I really liked about King Con minus all the stuff I really didn't like about Big Apple Comic Con.

I wish I could have gone to some of the talks, but I had another commitment. The weather was a definite downer because I probably would have gone back to Secret Project Robot later on (which is an awesome place in general) for the panels, etc. if it had been nicer. So basically I'm super lazy and don't own a raincoat. But really, this fest was inspired and inspirational and it not only brought a lot of super-talented, passionate people together, it brought them together in a cohesive, easy and fun way. Thumbs up, right on, way to go!



For more reviews of the show check out The Beat (part 2 here) and The New York Post.

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